Myths vs. Facts

Myth: The theoretical foundations of homeopathy are inconsistent with established science.

Fact: Increasingly the theoretical foundations of homeopathy are being confirmed in major research centers around the world. Relevant areas of research include: physics, cancer research, psychology, nanochemistry / nanopharmacology, genetics/epigenetics, immunology, psychoneuroimmunology, etc.

Myth: The risks of homeopathy outweigh the benefits.

Fact: The latest systematic review, performed by an outspoken skeptic of homeopathy, had to look at literature from sixteen countries over 32 years to find 1159 adverse events in people. Conversely, the U.S. government reports that annually, 4.5 million people visit American physicians on an outpatient basis related to medication problems. 1.9 million people are hospitalized annually due to medication side effects or errors. And according to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System in 2011 there were 98,518 deaths from properly prescribed drugs.

Myth: Seeking homeopathic care delays effective conventional care.

Fact: No studies substantiate this concern. Most patients presenting for homeopathic care have already been treated unsuccessfully with medicine or surgery or have suffered side effects that are not tolerated by the animal or client. Additionally, conventional options are sometimes not affordable.

Myth: Homeopathy is nothing more than placebo.

Fact: Basic science models as well as clinical trials have repeatedly shown effects of homeopathic medicines beyond the placebo effect. What is more, biological markers like EEGs show specific brain wave patterns produced by specific remedies given to humans. High-tech imaging studies also show nanoparticles of starting materials in homeopathic remedies. These nanoparticles are stable and transferable when solutions are poured onto lactose pellets for oral administration.

Myth: Homeopathic remedies are unregulated.

Fact: The U.S. Congress passed a law in 1938 declaring that homeopathic remedies are to be regulated by the U.S. FDA in the same manner as nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, which means that they can be purchased without a physician's prescription. Homeopathic remedies are required to meet certain legal standards for strength, quality, purity, and packaging.

Myth: Homeopaths think they can treat anything with homeopathy.

Fact: Homeopathy, like all fields of medicine, has its limitations. Veterinary homeopaths recognize when surgery and dentistry are necessary. Basic tenets of critical care, patient stabilization, pain management, and anesthesia are followed.

Myth: Homeopathy is a belief system.

Fact: Homeopathy is a 200 year old form of nanomedicine supported by millions of case reports, hundreds of basic science, pre-clinical and clinical research studies and is used by over 500 million people worldwide.

Myth: Homeopathy has been outlawed in England.

Fact: Homeopathy is alive and well in England. It is part of their national health care system. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons recognizes the homeopathic treatment of animals as the practice of veterinary medicine. The Faculty of Homeopathy for all healthcare professionals, including veterinarians, was established by an Act of Parliament in 1950.
Source: The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy

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